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National Founder / President
Joy C. McClendon, Founder/President of Psi Zeta Phi Military Sorority, Inc. served 6 years in the US Armed Forces (Army). Joy graduated from Dooly County High School Class of 1993, home of the DC Bobcats. Joy has earned her associate degree in business administration, (South University) and bachelor’s degree in business management from Limestone College, (Class of 2012). She is the proud parents of Javon 24 and Jasmine 12. Joy is the daughter of Elois Bernard and J.C. & Betty Lloyd. Joy has 6 sisters, Meredith, Teresa, Jan, Elika, Shemida, Jasmine, Tiffany and 3 brother Arthur, James and Zep. Joy has 6 Nephews and 1 Niece and 3 Brother-N-Laws. Joy served as the Disabled American Veterans State Adjutant and is a lifetime member and also a member of Chapter 13 Columbia, South Carolina. Joy enjoys being a driver for the Dorn VA Medical Center assisting veterans to their appointments in Charleston and VA in Augusta Georgia. She serves as a full-time caregiver for her mom. She is an advocate for Stroke victims to ensure better lives after her mom had a severe stroke in 2018. She is committed to reducing suicide among the veterans’ population.
PSI ZETA PHI, MILITARY SORORITY WAS FOUNDED ON OCTOBER 1, 2019, in COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA BY A female veteran. Joy C. McClendon. She wanted to use her strength to promote empowering women of all branches of the armed forces. In October of 2019, the founder of Psi Zeta Phi, Military Sorority, Inc performed their first community service by giving out hygiene products to homeless veterans in the Columbia, S.C. Psi Zeta Phi Military Sorority was incorporated in 2019.
Joy C. McClendon